Jeff Kern design for "Liquid Courage"

Liquid Courage

I am always all over the place in my study of graphic design—on purpose. I continually research varying genres, people, styles, and approaches in the hopes of further opening my mind (and, fingers crossed, my abilities). I have been intrigued by gig posters for quite awhile. Yes, in my opinion, many of them seem painfully arbitrary, but the best of them have a way of tangentially tapping into a mood that is difficult to quantify. To that end, the thinking here is to set up just enough of a situation that could make sense if the viewer meets it halfway and assigns their own narrative. Unlike most “correct” design that I strive for, this piece forgets about zeroing in on clear meaning and only leads the horse to water. Like many gig posters the design is also highly stylistic and aesthetic. It doesn’t hurt that “Liquid Courage” could also be the name of a garage band.